Volume 14 (1986)
Volume 14 Issue 1 (Year 1986) Annual report 1985The development of polynomial equations in traditional China (Lam Lay Yong)Sixty years of…
Volume 14 Issue 1 (Year 1986) Annual report 1985The development of polynomial equations in traditional China (Lam Lay Yong)Sixty years of…
Volume 13 Issue 1 (Year 1985) ∆ = b2 - 4ac (Jean-Pierre Serre)An interview with Jean-Pierre Serre (CT Chong & YK Leong)Inter-school mathematical…
Volume 12 Issue 1 (Year 1984) Mathematics and applications (Kai Lai Chung)A medley of Malayan mathematical memories and mantissae (Richard K Guy)Solving…
Volume 11 Issue 1 (Year 1983) Basic arithmetic on the micro (TA Peng)Mathematics and games (Nagayoshi Iwahori)Annual general meetingAnnual report 1982Corrigendum Volume…
Volume 10 Issue 1 (Year 1982) The Goldbach conjecture (Wang Yuan)Martingales and gambling (Louis Chen)The Chinese method of solving polynomial equations of…