In these rules masculine pronouns shall be taken to refer to persons of either sex.
- The Society shall be called “The Singapore Mathematical Society”.
- The objects of the Society shall be to maintain the status and advance the interest of the profession of mathematics, to effect improvements in the teaching of mathematics and to provide means of intercourse between students, teachers and others interested in mathematics and its teaching.
- The Society shall consist of four classes of members, namely Honorary Members, Ordinary Members, Junior Members, and Institutional Members, and one class of Associates.
- Anyone wishing to join the Society shall apply in writing to the Secretary and submit the first annual subscription.
- Honorary members shall be distinguished mathematicians or mathematical teachers. They shall be nominated by the Committee, and elected at a General Meeting. They shall have all the privileges of ordinary members but shall not be required to pay any subscription.
- The annual subscription payable to the Society by an Ordinary Member shall be $15.00, and shall be due in advance on the first of January each year. An Ordinary Member shall be entitled to attend and vote at all meetings of the Society, and shall receive a copy of any matter published by the Society during his membership. A new member, joining not earlier than the first of September in any year, may pay a single subscription of $15.00 to cover the period from the date of application to the thirty-first day of December in the year following.
- A student in attendance at a full-time course at a university, polytechnic, junior college, technical institute, school, or studying at any other recognised institution may apply for membership of the Society as a Junior Member at an annual subscription of $8.00. A Junior Member shall have all the privileges of an Ordinary Member.
- An Ordinary Member shall be allowed to make a life composition of $250 in lieu of the annual subscription. In no case shall annual subscriptions for previous years or subscriptions for Junior Membership be reckoned as part of such life composition. After continuous Ordinary Membership for fifteen years, the payment for life composition shall be reduced to $50.00.
- An Ordinary Member not having made a life composition, or a Junior Member, shall be liable for his annual subscription until he shall have given written notice of his resignation to the Secretary. A member whose subscription is in arrears by more than three months shall not have the power to vote, and shall not be entitled to receive any matter published by the Society. The name of an Ordinary or Junior Member whose subscription is in arrears for one year shall be removed from the list of Members on account of non-payment of subscription, may rejoin the Society on payment of one year’s arrears in addition to the subscription for the current year.
- For the purpose of particpating in the Society’s activities as well as receiving the Society’s publications, a Local Branch, a School, or other Institution approved by the Committee, may be admitted to Institutional Membership of the Society, provided that this Rule does not confer privileges of Membership on the individual members of the Local Branch, School or Institution. The annual subscription payable to the Society by an Institutional Member shall be $50.00.
- With the approval of the Committee, Local Branches of the Society may be formed.
- The members of a Local Branch, who are not members of the Society, shall be Associates of the Society. An Associate shall be entitled to attend all the meeting of the Society, but shall not be entitled to any other privileges of Membership.
- Each Local Branch shall pay to the Society an annual subscription of $10.00, and shall be entitled to receive one copy of each publication of the Society during the year.
- The Secretary of each Local Branch shall furnish annually to the Secretary of the Society a list of its members, and copies of the Annual Report or Record of Proceedings of the Branch and of any matter circulated to members of the Branch.
- Each Local Branch shall determine its own Rules, but an application to become a Local Branch must be accompanied by a copy of the suggested Rules of that Local Branch.
- The Society shall pay to each Local Branch the sum of $2.00 annually on behalf of each Ordinary member of the Society who is attached to that Branch, with the provision that such payment with respect to any one member will be made to only one Branch in any one year. It shall be the responsibility of the Branch to inform the Secretary of the Society the names of those Members who are attached to the Branch and for whom payment is being claimed.
- The Officers of the Society shall be the President, the ex officio, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Secretary, the Editor, the Assistant Secretary, the Assistant Treasurer and not more than two Assistant Editors.
- The business of the Society shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of the Officers of the Society, Representatives of Local Branches and Members without office.
- The President shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting to hold office from the conclusion of that meeting to the conclusion of the next. He shall be eligible for re-election.
- The office, ex officio, shall be appointed each year at that Annual General Meeting and filled by the out-going President of the Committee of the preceding year in the event that a new President is elected at that Annual General Meeting. This office, ex officio, shall be vacant in that year if the President of the Committee of the proceding year is re-elected President of the Committee in that year.
- Vice-Presidents shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting to hold office from the conclusion of that Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the next. The number of Vice-Presidents shall not exceed three. Vice-Presidents shall be eligible for re-election.
- The Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Secretary, the Editor, the Assistant Secretary, the Assistant Treasurer, the Assistant Editors and the Committee Members without office shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting to serve from the conclusion of that meeting until the conclusion of the next.
- The Auditor, not a member of the Committee, will be elected at each Annual General Meeting and will hold office for one year only and may not be reelected. He will be required to audit each year’s account and present a report upon them to the Annual General Meeting. He may be required by the President to audit the Society’s accounts for any period within his tenure of office at any date and make a report to the Committee.
- Nominations for the offices of President, Vice-President, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Editor, Assistant Secretary, the Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Editor or Committee Member without office may be made by any member of the Society and must be made in writing to reach the Secretary not less than two weeks before the date of election. The Committee in office shall have power to make nominations for the succeeding year but such nominations must be notified to Members at least two weeks before the date of election.
- The number of Committee Members without office shall not exceed four, and they shall be eligible for re-election except that at least one shall not have been a member of the Committee during the previous twelve months.
- Vacancies arising during the course of a year among the officers or Committee 4 Members may be filled by the Committee.
- The President shall take the Chair at all meetings of the Society or of the Committee. In the absence of the President, any Member may be voted into the Chair.
- The Honorary Treasurer shall receive subscriptions and defray current expenses. His accounts shall be annually examined by an auditor appointed at the Annual General Meeting and shall be published. He shall be eligible for re-election.
- The Honorary Secretary shall record the minutes of General Meetings and Committee Meetings and shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society. He shall be eligible for re-election.
- The Editor shall be responsible for the publication of the Mathematical Medley. He shall have an Editorial Board of up to seven members, including himself and a maximum of two Assistant Editors who are Committee Members. The Editor and the Assistant Editors shall be eligible for re-election.
- The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary with general correspondence and clerical work and shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all books and other documents belonging to the Society. He shall be eligible for re-election.
- The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Honorary Treasurer in the book keeping of various sub-accounts of the society. He shall be eligible for re-election.
- Sub-Committees may be constituted for any purpose and in any way that the Committee deems fit.
- At a Committee Meeting, at least one-half (1/2) of the number of Committee members shall be a quorum. Questions shall be determined in Committee by open vote unless a ballot is directed by the Chairman or demanded by a member.
- The Committee shall have power to make Regulations as to matters not provided for in these Rules, and to vary such Regulations, but any action taken under this Rule shall be notified in their next annual report.
- The time and place of every General Meeting of the Society shall be announced by circular addressed to all Members not less than two weeks before the date of the meeting. Notices of the principal bussiness to be transacted at the meeting shall be sent to all Members with the circular announcing the meeting.
- The quorum at a General Meeting shall be fifteen. If a quorum is not available the postponed meeting shall be held not earlier than a week and not later than a month from the original date, and those present at the postponed meeting shall form the quorum. Resolutions submitted to a General Meeting, other than motions for election, shall be determined by open vote unless a ballot be demanded. Motions for elections in which the number of nominations is equal to the number of vacancies to the filled shall be declared carried unopposed; contested elections shall be determined by ballot. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote. Any motion, except those mentioned in Rule 39, may be carried by a simple majority of votes.
- The Annual Meeting shall be held as early as is convenient after the 1st of January. At the Annual General Meeting, the Committee shall present its report on the proceedings of the Society during the past year, the Honorary Treasurer shall report on the financial position of the Society, and the Officers and Members of the Committee without office for the ensuing year shall be elected. The names of all Members nominated for election to office or to Membership of the Committee without office shall be given in the circular calling the meeting.
- A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee, and the Committee shall call such a meeting at the written request of twelve Members, who shall state the objective for which they wish the meeting to be called.
- No motion for altering, annulling or adding to the Rules, nor a motion involving expenditure or dealing with property shall be entertained except at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, and such motion shall be required to be supported by the votes of three-fourths of the Members present and voting, provided the number of Members present is at least fifteen. Amendments to these Rules shall not become effective without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies. Notice of such motion shall be given to the Committee at least two weeks before the Meeting and the terms of the motion shall be stated in the circular calling the meeting.
- All the monies of the Society, in excess of such balances as the Committee shall from time to time authorise or require the Honorary Treasurer to keep in hand to meet the current expenses of the Society shall be deposited with the Bankers to the Society. The Bankers to the Society shall be approved by the Committee of the Society.
- The income and property of the Society, whencesoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Society as set forth in these Rules, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit, to the Members of the Society. Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration to any Officer or servant of the Society, or to any Member of the Society in return for any service actually rendered to the Society.
- The receipt in writing of the Honorary Treasurer for any monies payable to him on account of the Society or which shall in any manner become payable to, or for the purpose of, the Society, shall be an effective and complete discharge for any such monies.
- If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Society there remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members of the Society, but shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions which have objects similar to the objects of the Society and which prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property among their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed upon the Society under or by value of Rule 41 hereof, such institution or institutions to be determined by the Members of the Society at or before the time of dissolution, or in default thereof, by the Official Assignee, and if and so far as effect cannot be given to such provision, then to some charitable object. Notice of dissolution shall be given within 14 days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.
- Gambling of any kind and the playing of mahjong or paikow, whether for stakes or not, are forbidden on the Society’s premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or opium smoking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited.
- The funds of the Society shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in Court.
- The Society shall not attempt to restrict or in any other manner interfere with trade or prices or engage in any Trade Union activity as defined in the Trade Union Ordinance, 1940.
- The Society shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Society or of its office bearers, Committee or Members.
- The Society shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes.