
Teachers’ workshop – Clueless Voting/Thinking versus Knowing


Professor Imre Leader, University of Cambridge

Imre Leader is a Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

Educated at St Paul’s School (1976 – 1980) and Trinity College, Cambridge (1981 – 1989), he was a member of the British team in the International Mathematical Olympiad in 1981. He later led the team from 1999 to 2001 (and is still heavily involved with Olympiad training). He was also the Chief Coordinator and Problems Group Chairman for IMO 2002. He was also awarded Whitehead Prize of London Mathematical Society in 1999. He obtained his PhD in 1989, supervised by Béla Bollobás. He is currently a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.


Talk 1: Clueless Voting
Our starting point is the following obviously absurd question. Suppose that we are to vote on some issue, but we have absolutely no idea what the right answer is: how should we vote? This talk is on material that could be used in math classes for high school students. It relates to ideas of ‘why do we prove things” and also to ideas in probability.

Talk 2: Thinking versus Knowing
We examine the kinds of mathematical thinking that high school students will need in order to succeed in university mathematics. To illustrate the points, our main focus will be on ‘what do we look for in a Cambridge interview?’

View poster here.


For Teachers


25 May 2016 (Wednesday)
Time: 2.30 – 4.30 pm


Academy of Singapore Teachers
GEO LAB@MRC (Block A Level 2)
2 Malan Rd, Academy of Singapore Teachers,
Singapore 109433

Registration Fee



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(Refreshments will be served from 1.30 pm)