SMS Lecture Series

Deep Learning


This lecture series will feature eminent local mathematicians or mathematics educators to share with the public some of their interests and ideas.


Adrian Roellin, National University of Singapore

Adrian Roellin graduated in mathematics and computer science from the University of Zurich in 2002, where he also received his Ph.D. in 2006. After postdoctoral positions at the University of Oxford, University of Berne and NUS, he joined the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability at NUS in 2009, where he is now associate professor. His research focus is probability theory and statistics, but he has always maintained a passion for artificial intelligence.


Artificial Intelligence was supposed to revolutionise our lives for many decades now, yet few concrete products have resulted from this line of research. Is the latest iteration of artificial neural networks finally going to fulfil this promise? I will argue that, despite the recent hype, there is still a long way to go.


General (Suitable for students at JC Level and above)


March 10 (Friday) 2017 / 4-5pm



Registration Fee



Online Registration
For catering purposes, we request all attendees to register. School teachers may do group registration for their students and teachers by choosing the “group registration” option and indicate the number of people attending the lecture in the online registration form.


Dr Tang Wee Kee