Registration Fees

Registration Fee

Early Bird Registration Fee: (Before 1 May 2024) S$ 300
Normal Registration Fee: (From 1 May 2024) S$ 350

Cancellation Fee

The following cancellation fees apply before the start of the Programme.

Cancellation: Less than 7 days before the start dateNo Refund
Cancellation: Between 7 to 14 days before the start date50% Refund
Cancellation: At least 14 days before the start dateFull Refund


Please read before you begin the Online Registration.

  1. Please note that the topics covered will be similar to previous programmes. Kindly do not register if you have attended previous sessions.
  2. Each topic is covered by one instructor. As there are a number of groups running concurrently, the same topic might be covered by different Instructors. Thus questions discussed and time taken might vary. Due to time constraint, the instructor may or may not be able to complete the whole set of notes. In the event that the instructor is unable to complete the entire set of notes, answers to all questions will still be given to the participants.
  3. There will be no test given to the participants after the completion of the programme.
  4. Only digital Certificate of Participation is given. It will only be given if participants attended 3/5 of the lessons.
  5. All participants can only attend the same session throughout the programme. Requests for some morning and afternoon sessions will not be entertained.
  6. Parent/Guardian’s Consent: Should this application be successful, I agree to let my child/ward participate in the Primary Mathematical Olympiad Programme. I understand that the Singapore Mathematical Society will not be held responsible should any unforeseen circumstances arise during the Programme. If you are agreeable to the above; please proceed to the Online Registration.

We only accept registration from P5/P6 student studying in Singapore.